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The winter months can be brutal on your feet. Insulated work boots protect your feet from the elements, but not all insulation is the same. What are the different types of boot insulation? Most...
Yes, we all know what cotton is. But have you ever seen a t-shirt or pair of jeans that boasts "heavyweight cotton" as its fabric and wondered what exactly that means? What is heavyweight...
Finding lightweight canvas pants for summer can be critical for those who need a durable work pant, but also need relief in the heat. The Carhartt B151 pants have always been my favorite because they...
I recently put my hands on some of the most popular moisture wicking cargo shorts to evaluate them on comfort, durability, and design. My conclusion was this: The Carhartt Force shorts are perfect...
Recently I put my hands on some of the most popular sleeveless work shirts to compare them on many things like toughness, breathability, and comfort. My conclusion is this: the Carhartt Midweight...
When choosing a short sleeve button up work shirt, probably the biggest thing to consider is the type of material. Most of these shirts have a classic design, but some will use a flexible material...